May flew by and brought us a bountiful harvest of gains, fun workouts, and 1-Rep Tests! June is going to bring even more excitement as we continue through our Wendler cycle and gear up for our Proficient Mid-Year Mini Comp. We’re going to pump the brakes for a minute to review the accomplishments of May before talking about that New New.
The main event was our Wendler 1-Rep Tests for Bench Press, Back Squat, and Deadlift. We started the month there and then put our heads down and worked through the first half of the cycle, getting stronger along the way. We also had Murph at the end of the month that was led up to by 2 days of optional training to get everyone ready for that grind of a workout! We saw some new benchmarks with Motherly Love, Snake Eyes, Gut Check, and Cool Hand Luke. Oh wait, did I mention the ab finishers programmed twice a week? Yeah, those were awesome, too!
Everyone also retested Punch Out and we WERE scheduled to hit California Love or the new version, California Dreamin, but we decided to push it to the first week of June to get everyone HYPED for the new month! Let’s see what June has in store for everyone!
First and foremost, we are going to be focused on retesting our Wendler lifts at the end of the month…stay strong, trust the process, and get excited for the gains! We will continue to have 2 ab finishers throughout the month along with some new benchmarks that will bring great challenges to your athletes! The new focuses are going to start with adding in 1 Open Workout weekly starting the first full week of the month.
This is intended to get everyone in the mindset for the mid-year mini comp! We will see some classics that will help everyone shake off the dust and get some last-minute prep in to throw down in July! We will also see our first test of Ripcord and The Filthy 50 during this month so write down those scores because we will repeat these! We will also see one gymnastics skill day that will focus on the Strict + Kipping Pull-Up.
We will work various skills and drills to help grow proficiency or help athletes get closer to their first! We will still see the higher skill versions of the Pull-Up like Chest to Bar and Muscle Ups, but we are going to take it back to the basics and really hammer home the mechanics!
Lastly, we will still see some barbell complexes sprinkled in so fear not, everyone will still get their Oly fix in! Let’s gear up for a fantastic June and get ready to rock!
May/June Strength Cycle
- Week 1 (2/5-8/5) – Heavy 1-Rep Tests (Use 90% as Training Max)
- Week 2 (9/5-15/5) – 1×5 @65% – 75% – 85%
- Week 3 (16/5-22/5) – 1×3 @70% – 80% – 90%
- Week 4 (23/5-29/5) – 1×5 @75% – 1×3 @85% – 1×1+ @95%
- Week 5 (30/5-5/6) – 1×5 @65% – 75% – 85% (Increase Training Max)
- Week 6 (6/6-12/6) – 1×3 @70% – 80% – 90% (Add 2.5-5kg)
- Week 7 (13/6-19/6) – 1×5 @75% – 1×3 @85% – 1×1+ @95%
- Week 8 (20/6-26/6) – 1×5 @40% – 1×5 @50% – 1×5 @60%
- Week 9 (27/6-3/7) – Heavy 1-Rep Retests
Weekly June Commitments
- Continue Wendler Strength Cycle
- (2) Ab Finishers Weekly
- (1) Open Workout to prep for Mid-Year Mini Comp
- (1) Partner Workout Weekly
- (1) Pull-Up Focus Skill Day
June Benchmarks
- Filthy 50
- Ripcord
- 4 New Benchmarks