Meet our member of the month for MAY, Ash! Give her a barbell and she is a happy gal! Ash knows the importance of making her health and wellness a priority as a mental health nurse and knowing the importance of keeping her mind and body strong and healthy.
We ask her some questions about her journey so far.
Q: How long have you been a member at Proficient?
A: I have been a member for just over 3 years, since my friend Lauren
convinced me to give it a try in 2019.
Q: What is your favourite thing about being a Proficient athlete?
A: hands down the community. It doesn’t matter if you have the best day or your worst day (in the gym or outside the gym) the community are always there to put a smile on your face. The gym really is my happy place.
Q: How would you describe the community at Proficient?
A: warm, inviting, friendly, motivating and inspirational. I’ve made some really great friends here.
Q: What advice do you have for someone who is intimidated by group fitness?
A: it would be easy to say don’t be intimidated but there are some incredible athletes at proficient and not everyone is immediately comfortable in a gym setting. Everyone at CrossFit started somewhere. Everyone has been the new person, struggled in some way and is where they are today through hard work and determination. Turn the intimidation into your inspiration.
Q: Favourite music to sweat to?
A: 90s rock, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, rage against the machine pumps me up. Anything really, As long as it’s loud!
Q: Least favourite music to sweat to?
A: I don’t really have a least favourite.
Q: Favourite movement/workout?
A: deadlifts for sure! I’m happy with a heavy bar in my hands.
Q: Least favourite movement/workout?
A: anything gymnastics. But as they say, all progress takes place outside the comfort zone…
Q: Is there a member of the Proficient Community that inspires and motivates you to be better?
A: my motivation for being at the gym is to live a long and healthy life, to be as fit and strong as I can be. I see some of our masters athletes like Chris and Sue setting the most incredible example. They truly showcase age simply being a number. It’s a privilege to train with them, they are a huge inspiration for me.
Q: Is there a member of the Proficient community that needs to know you are coming for them? Feel free to put them on notice!
A: I’m coming your 1RM back squat Chris! ????
Q: Favourite post-workout meal?
A: I train at different times of the day due to shift work, but no matter what time I train I’m usually going home to eat breakfast so eggs for sure.
Q: What fitness-related goals do you have for 2022?
A: to keep pushing in areas that I’m strong in, but challenge myself to do more work in areas I’m not. I’m very hopeful to get a pull-up this year.
Q: Describe your athletic abilities in five words or less.
A: strong but humbled by gymnastics.
Q: What’s your background story outside of Proficient?
A: I’m a child and adolescent mental health nurse, a wife, a dog mum and perpetually busy! I love to swim, put me in water and I’m a happy girl. Im always up for a laugh, brekky with the Saturday morning crew and a cheeky wine.