Serves 4
Chicken/fish preparation
4 Pieces of Chicken or Fish (I find a it works better with white fish or you can use any part of a chicken for this dish but chicken breast if your wanting the lower fat option)
Lemon/balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Eggplant and tomato salsa
2 eggplants – cut into 1-2cm cubes
3-4 fresh tomatoes – seeds taken out and flesh cut into cubes (great way to use soft tomatoes)
1-2tbs Olive oil/olive oil spray
Spray olive oil or olive oil into a non stick fry pan, let pan get hot and add eggplant
Add 2 cloves of crushed garlic into pan and add sprinkle of salt
Let the eggplant cook slowly on med heat for 20ish min
Add fresh tomato and let that cook with eggplant for 10ish min
Season and add fresh basil if you have it
When your ready cook fish/chicken and serve together and steamed greens goes great with this.