Meet our November member of the month, Gregory! He is a committed 7am crew club and a valuable member of our community.
We asked him about his journey so far at CrossFit Proficient and this is what he had to say.
Q: How long have you been a member at Proficient?
A: Around 3 years
Q: What is your favourite thing about being a Proficient athlete?
A: Variety of the programs
Q: How would you describe the community at Proficient?
A: Friendly
Q: What advice do you have for someone who is intimidated by group fitness?
A: Not good at giving advices, pass
Q: Favourite music to sweat to?
A: No particular preference
Q: Least favourite music to sweat to?
A: Justin Bieber
Q: Favourite movement/workout?
A: Pull ups/Fran
Q: Least favourite movement/workout?
A: Wall walks
Q: Is there a member of the Proficient Community that inspires and motivates you to be better?
A: No particular person, everyone motivates me
Q: Is there a member of the Proficient community that needs to know you are coming for them? Feel free to put them on notice!
A: No, Gregory is not that competitive
Q: Favourite post-workout meal?
A: Burgers and fries
Q: What fitness-related goals do you have for 2022?
A: More golden stars
Q: Describe your athletic abilities in five words or less.
A: Swiftness
Q: What’s your background story outside of Proficient?
A: I’m a second year PhD student at Australian Institution for Machine Learning and surrounded by brilliant minds, I may not be the smartest guy in the building, but I’m definitely the strongest computer scientist there.