Member of the Month JUNE – NANDA

Meet our member of the month for June, Nanda! If you are part of the 6am crew, you will know how dedicated Nanda has been recently. She is always putting in the extra work and always with a smile.

Take a moment to read her journey.

Q: How long have you been a member at Proficient?
A: 1 year 

Q: What is your favourite thing about being a Proficient athlete?
A: I find the workouts to be highly effective and motivating.

Q: How would you describe the community at Proficient? 
A: Unity and support.

Q: What advice do you have for someone who is intimidated by group fitness?
A: Don’t be ashamed, you’ve already taken the first step.

Q: Favourite music to sweat to?
A: Ready for it – taylor swift

Q: Least favourite music to sweat to?
A: I don’t have

Q: Favourite movement/workout?
A: leg training

Q: Least favourite movement/workout?
A: Arm training

Q: Is there a member of the Proficient Community that inspires and motivates you to be
A: Yes

Q: Is there a member of the Proficient community that needs to know you are coming for them? Feel free to put them on notice!
A: Nope

Q: Favourite post-workout meal?
A:  egg, avocado and bread 

Q: What fitness-related goals do you have for 2023?
A: Reaching my goal weight by the end of the year

Q: Describe your athletic abilities in five words or less.
A: focus, determination, enthusiasm, friendly, partner

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