The CrossFit Proficient blog

Cauliflower Fried Rice

Ingredients 1 head of cauliflower 2 spring onions/1 shallot 2 gloves garlic, grated 1/2 thumb size of fresh ginger 1 chilli **optional 3-4 tbs of…

Benefits of Training Partners

Training partners can be invaluable. Whether they’re pushing you to stay accountable with your training, motivating you to achieve your best, or simply helping the time pass faster, they can help you get the most out of your gym time.

Healthy carbs to consume before training

Carbs! Who doesn’t love them? There is such a bad rap on carbohydrates. The key is to choose the right source of carbohydrates.

Inter-Class Throwdown 2019

It’s that time of year again! Time to see which class will win this year’s battle between the classes of CrossFit Proficient!

Road to RX: How to Properly Scale Your Workouts

Scaling your workouts in CrossFit is the key to getting long-term, sustainable results. Our goal is to get you stronger, but it is also to keep you training with us for years to come. The proper scaling will ensure that you make progress without injury, and will eventually set you apart from other CrossFitters.

Zucchini Fritters

Ingredients 2 decent size zucchini’s 1 large carrot 2 gloves garlic, grated 1 tps dill 3 tbs flour (I used wholemeal SR flour)** 3 large…

3 reasons to track your heart rate

We recommend heart rate training to anyone looking to improve their fitness — whether they’re a competitive athlete or just starting their fitness journey. Here’s why you should track your heart rate and use an activity tracker every time you hit the gym.

Why Your Kids Should Join Our Proficient Kids Program

Kids and teens are not getting as much physical activity at school as they used to, which can contribute to trouble focusing on academics and poor retention of that schoolwork. There is a growing body of evidence which suggests that following rigorous exercise, focus, understanding and retention of academic subjects increase.

Undo the Weekend (48 hour recovery)

What a weekend that was! You went out, you ate and drank and had a blast! And now the fun is over and the consequences are setting in…you feel terrible. You woke up with a headache, an overall feeling of bloating and a sluggishness that you can’t shake.

It’s time to undo the damage brought on from that epic weekend. Here’s how…

How not to sabotage your nutrition over the weekend?

The weekend is here, you have been great with your nutrition all week and have you found yourself sabotaging yourself over the weekend as you over eat and drink wayyy too much.

Start here

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