The CrossFit Proficient blog

Delayed Gratification

In the 60s, the well-known marshmallow test was done at Stanford University. The film shows in more detail. What was tested was children’s ability to “resist a…

The Art of “Showing Up”

Some time ago I had an Athlete Check-In with a member. This member had for a period found it difficult to prioritise herself and her own…

Strong Is Happy

Children and young people who are not given a chance to develop good self-esteem risk spending a lot of time and thought on avoiding situations…

Children’s training and self-esteem

For us at Proficient Kids, we spend lots of time & energy to become the best in children’s and youth training. Simply because we like children…

Five tips to get your partner going

Exercise is a charged part of many relationships. In certain situations, one person is very active with training, while the other feels that he does not…


Meet our member of the month for JUNE, Danika! She is new to CrossFit and has been crushing it! The past few months she has…

August 2022 Programming Focus

July flew right by! We threw down hard for July’s MYMC, and hopefully we were able to compete with friends, post some big scores, and…

July 2022 Programming Focus

We are officially HALFWAY through 2022 and MAN have we accomplished a lot. It has been an exciting training journey so far and we still…


Meet our member of the month for MAY, Ash! Give her a barbell and she is a happy gal! Ash knows the importance of making…

Macro’s, Calories & Weight Loss 101

Here are a few quick fun facts about calories and weight loss. Macronutrients and their caloric equivalent: 1 gram of Protein = 4 calories 1…

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